

最新有效m3u8格式直播地址(亲测有效长期维护) iptv电视直播源iptv直播源福利地址大全 … 一些可用的IPTV直播源推荐,传统的有线电视已经无法满足人们对节目内容、观看体验以及多功能应用等方面…


WordPress 多站点使用一个数据库

WordPress 多站点功能允许您在一个 WordPress 安装中创建和管理多个站点。这些站点共享同一个数据库,但每个站点都有自己的文件和设置。 使用一个数据库的优势: 减少数据库占用空间 简化管…


xftp 不支持中文目录

Xftp 不支持中文目录是因为其默认使用的编码格式为 UTF-8,而中文目录名可能包含 GBK 或其他编码格式的字符。当 Xftp 尝试显示或操作这些目录时,由于编码不兼容,可能会出现乱码或无法识别的…


Google Cloud Google Cloud creates long-term free cloud servers

How to apply for a long-term free cloud server with Google Cloud. Many people abandon their accounts after applying for a Google Cloud trial. Little do they know that there is also a permanently free cloud server hidden in the Google Cloud account. Although the configuration is not high, it is enough to be used as a cloud server. The backup server is used, and the traffic is 200G per month, which is higher...


Computer graphics card mining GPU Bitcoin mining software, everyone can be a miner

What does mining mean? How to download Bitcoin mining software? Recently, Bitcoin production has been reduced, and the price of virtual currencies has skyrocketed and plummeted like a roller coaster. Many novices do not understand digital currency, but they have all heard of mining, Bitcoin mining. Mine is also commonly known as Bitcoin miner. Bitcoin mining requires professional...


Ubuntu solution to the problem of vi editing error up and down turning into abcd

When using vi to edit Ubuntu, pressing the up, down, left, and right keys becomes ABCD. vi editing error. If you press the up, down, left, and right keys in Vi but characters such as abcd appear, this may be because there is a problem with your terminal settings, causing Vi to be unable to correctly parse the arrow keys. . In the vi editor, the up, down, left and right keys...