Text-to-speech, Microsoft TTS reading, listening to novels and dubbing! Real pronunciation!

What is TTS?

Text to Speech Text to Speech Synthesis (Speech synthesis) Speech synthesis is the artificial generation of human speech. If a computer system is used for speech synthesis, it is called a speech synthesizer, and the speech synthesizer can be implemented by software/hardware.The system converts the text of a general language into speech. Other systems can describe the representation of language symbols, just like the conversion of phonetic symbols into speech. The synthesized speech is connected by using many recorded voices in the database.

Microsoft AI voice reading

thisMicrosoft's AI voice readingThe functions are now very close to real people. Not long ago, Microsoft made an update to its AI voice reading function. After optimization and upgrade, the effect is now more realistic!

about/text to speechThere are many excellent projects in github. If you are interested, you can search for them yourself.

TTStext to speechProject website address:https://github.com/ag2s20150909/TTS/releases

The latest updated version is the APK version on March 13, 2022, which can be downloaded by yourself and then installed on your Android phone.

It can be used on mobile phones. It only requires a small software to realize this function. This is the tts software developed by the master on github, which can realize text reading on mobile phones. This is very good for us to listen to some books or listen to this novel before going to bed at night.


How to set it up on mobile phone? First open this tts developed by the master, and then we first click on the setting tts in the upper left corner to change the preferred engine of our system to tts. After changing it, we can choose a vocal according to our own needs. There are many characters to choose from. In addition to Chinese, Cantonese, Russian, English and many other languages are available for everyone to choose from. You can also choose your speaking style according to your own needs, including news customer service assistant and so on.

Next, you need to open a reading software. Many mobile phone built-in reading software can call this tts, but some mobile phones cannot call this system.of

So I found a reading software for you: Jingdu Tianxia, this software can call tts


We directly click on the middle of the screen, and then click on the read aloud icon. You can set the time to stop reading aloud. If you go to bed at night, you can choose a time of 30 minutes or 40 minutes before you almost fall asleep, and then click to start reading aloud.

It is almost impossible to tell that the AI is reading aloud, which is very scary. Of course, in addition to the reading software Jingdu Tianxia, we have also prepared a thick ink for everyone, which supports the import of many formats of books, such as epub azw3 mobi txt. These book formats all support the import.

Because there may be more people using this tts now, especially after I shared it, because everyone is sharing the same API, and this may encounter lags during peak periods. There is no way this free one will definitely not be like It’s so easy to use for a fee. If we encounter lag or difficulty in using it, we can click on the upper right corner to change the audio stream format to a lower level. For example, we can change this 48 to 24 or 16 or 8. If we change the audio stream format to a lower level, This problem should be solved. This is currently the best way to use TTS voice for free on mobile phones. After all, isn’t this effect much better than some paid novel-reading software?

At present, if you want to use this AI voice reading on your computer, you can use this edge browser. After we select it, right-click and click Open to find this edge browser and open it directly. Here, right-click and directly click to read aloud. Sometimes it will fail. You can first complete the After selecting, click to read the selected content aloud. Although this edge browser does not yet haveIt fully supports the latest AI voice reading technology, but it is already very good. At the same time, the voice option can also be selected. You can change different human voices to read aloud, in addition to Mandarin, Cantonese, English, etc.



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